Autumn construction week. Woodworking

11 - 14 October 2016

Is specialized

This is an offer to introduce your businessto new customers in a stable region. This region is one of the TOP-5 regions of Russia with the highest level of social and economic development and investment appeal. Fast-paced development of the Tyumen Region’s economy attracts more and more interest and financial flows.

Weinviteyouto take part in the Trade fairtitled


Construction, renovation and finishing supplies, interior anddecoration.


Today,the TyumenRegionisfarmoreappealingin terms ofinvestmentsthanmanyotherregionsofRussia. –Investors are treated properly there, especially when it comes to construction of social facilities, shopping and entertainment centers,and all types of housing.

InTyumenalone, theconstructionandrepair industryincludes over 900 large and small companies. Customerexpectationsastothequalityofconstructionworkkeepgrowing, which means that the construction market demands state-of-the-art materials and equipment, cutting-edge projects and technological solutions.Theconstructionindustrydevelopmentis, firstofall,related to the society’s focus on the future and creatingcomfortable work and recreation environment.Timber industry is an important part of the Russian economy. Currently, theindustryis witnessingstabilization, growingdemand,andproduction volumes. Thereisaspecialfocusonupgradingproduction through introducing cutting-edge technological solutions. Besides, modernization of the timber industry in the Tyumen Region requiresalargeamountofnew, highperformanceequipmentandmachinery.

Inthiscontext, thistrade fairis regarded as a tool to promote innovative technological solutions, science-based projects, and state-of-the-art equipment and materials. Itintroducesnew aspects of the construction and timber industry toawiderangeofcustomers andopens all kinds of doors. Sucheventshelpestablishclosercontacts and findoutstanding,out-of-the-boxsolutionsto convert new ideas into a reality. After all,trade fairsaimnotonlyatdemonstratingthelatest developments, but also at creating all conditions for a dialogue,new concepts,and turning them into a reality.

Thetrade fair’sunfailingpopularityis justanotherproofofthe great prospects of theTyumen’s construction market. The trade fairis accompanied by a lot of publicity and a varied business program. Everyyear,itbringstogetherupto100participants from different regions of Russia and abroad. In 2015, itwasattendedbyover4,000people,70%of whom took professional interest in thetrade fair, while others were representatives of related industries or individuals.

Chernoskulov Oksana S.


Chernoskulov Oksana S.

Tel: +7 (3452) 415-575 +7 (3452) 500-102, 8 800 500 72 72